72 results where found for «King Ñaca Ñaca»

Under my Skin (A flor de piel)

Music piece by:
Julio Iglesias
Testimony by:
Carmen Espinoza Alegría
Experience in:
Colonia Dignidad, April 1975
« I’m from Talca. I met César, my comrade, my love, in 1971 or 1972, approximately. We were young idealists, we were members of Juventudes Comunistas, and were student leaders in our secondary schools. »
« One night, in April 1975, ten or fifteen hooded people arrived at my house with machine guns and rifles. They knocked down the doors looking for me and they took me into a van with other colleagues. They put tape on our eyes and hoods on our heads. »
[Read full testimony]

Swan Lake

Music piece by:
Piotr Ilich Tchaikovski
Testimony by:
Carmen Espinoza Alegría
Experience in:
Colonia Dignidad, April 1975
« When we arrived at Colonia Dignidad, they threw us into a shed. I despaired, took off my hood and a guard gave me a slap so hard that I fell to the ground. This was my arrival at the Colonia. »
« When they took us to interrogations with our eyes covered and a hood on our head, they played classical music that hypnotised us. Later, when speaking to a comrade, he told me that the music was Swan Lake, a ballet by Tchaikovsky. »
[Read full testimony]